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Melvin Barney

Say My Name: The Third Commandment: It's Probably Not What You Think!


Most Christians have been misguided in their understanding of the third commandment, which states, "You shall not take the Name of the Lord Your God in vain." If you thought this commandment was just talking about profanity or irreverence, you need to read this book.

There has always been a whirlwind of confusion that surrounds the commandment, "not to take the Name of the Lord in vain."

The Jews interpreted it to mean "don't speak the Name." Christians believe it refers to profane or irreverent use of His Name. Both are wrong.

God commands us not to take His Name in vain because He wants us to use it to get results. He wants us to use His Name as a power of attorney. He wants us to use His Name as a tool to cause His will and His promises to come to pass.
