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Ruth Musgrave

National Geographic Kids Mission: Shark Rescue: All about Sharks and How to Save Them


Inspiring young animal lovers to get up close to all different types of sharks and the real-life challenges they face is what Mission: Shark Rescue is all about. This compelling narrative combines fun and amazing adventure stories, gorgeous photography, hands-on activities, fascinating information, and more, connecting the reader in-depth with the animal's real world. Meet real-life sharks and learn about their habitats, challenges, and successes, plus learn how YOU can take action and save these amazing endangered creatures.


About the Author

RUTH A. MUSGRAVE is an award-winning children's writer, specializing in marine and animal science. As a naturalist and lucky hitchhiker on scientific trips, she's been to the deep sea, the lagoons in Mexico to interact with gray whales, and more. As a freelance writer and the director of WhaleTimes, Inc., Musgrave has been fortunate enough to share her love of animals, the ocean, and ocean exploration. She is the author of EVERYTHING SHARKS (2011) and a frequent contributor to National Geographic Kids Magazine.

DANIEL RAVEN-ELLISON is a National Geographic Emerging Explorer and guerilla geographer. He's a lead partner in The Geography Collective, a group of educators and geographers who produce books, websites, and events, to inspire kids about the world around them.